Leader Quick Start Guide
Your team member has come to you asking how they can grow their career... Feeling stumped? Follow these three steps below to get them started! 

Step 1: Embrace your role as a career coach

Beyond the day-to-day work, your role as a leader is also to support team members in their career journeys. The team member needs to actively drive and own their development, and you as a trusted leader should coach and guide them to achieving their goals.  
Coaching Tips:
  • Ensure ownership for career development and learning remains with the team member
  • Be positive and encouraging (even with small wins)
  • Provide timely and constructive feedback on both areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
  • Help team members identify practical steps forward (e.g. growth / strength within current role)
  • Don’t be afraid to challenge the person’s thinking by probing their self-limiting assumptions and beliefs

Step 2: Expand their perspective on what career growth can be

Traditionally, we think of career growth as promotion up the corporate ladder. Instead, help team members think about the career lattice approach. Growth can happen in many ways depending on the individual’s goals and current available opportunities. 
Coaching Tips:
  • Help team members think in terms of skills – what are their strengths and competencies, and how can they be leveraged and developed in new projects, new roles, new teams, etc.

Step 3: Support team member in creating an individual development plan (IDP)

This useful tool helps team members to think through what skills they want to develop and how they can obtain that experience even in their current roles. 
Individual Development Plan Form
If your team member needs support creating a career vision or thinking through their career path, recommend that they visit the Opportunity & Career Center!
Looking to get better at coaching? Check out these additional resources!

Culture Amp Micro-Courses for Managers

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